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当前位置:首页 >> 韩企就业指南 >> 教你快速被公司录用的20招妙法


点击:次 添加日期:2015-10-30 09:17:40 来源:中韩人力网-韩企就业指南 编者:小程 




    You can save time job searching by using advanced search options on job boards.




   1. Applying for every job you find isn’t always a good idea. 




   2.Focus your search on jobs that you’re qualified for. You’ll have a better chance of getting selected for an interview. Before you start job hunting, take the time to decide what type of job you’re seeking. 




    3.Don’t stop applying for jobs while you are waiting to hear back from an employer. 




    4.Most job seekers are rejected by over 15 employers before landing a job. Learn from your mistakes, and keep applying until you get the right offer. 




    5.You need a specific cover letter or your resume may not get looked at. 




    6.You should also target your resume to the job. 




    7.It’s not just your cover letter. You resume should be edited and tweaked, so it’s as close a match to the job as possible. 




    8.You don’t need to include all your experience on your resume. 




    9.You can include more than full-time employment on your resume. 




    10.Dress like a manager or a successful person in your profession. 




    11.Be Yourself. 




    12.Employers want to know who they hired, and that’s the person they expect to show up for the first day of work. 




    13.Story telling during a job interview is an excellent way to share your experience and skills. 




    14.One way to show the employer what you’re actually like is to tell a story. When you’re asked questions during a job interview, relay the specific skills and experience you have, as well as how you handled the situations you’re asked about. 




    15.Never say anything bad about a previous employer. 




    16.You should send a thank you note after a job interview. 




    17.Networking is an essential component of successful job hunting. 




    Most jobs are still found by networking, whether it’s online or in-person. You never know who can help you find your next job unless you tell your connections that you’re job seeking. 




    References can make a big difference in getting hired. 




    References are important, and employers check them. Get recommendations from bosses, co-workers, clients, subordinates, and suppliers. 




    19.It’s acceptable to apply for the same job more than once. 




    20.Polish your shoes prior to your interview. 




    This one’s an extra, but, yes, hiring managers do look at your shoes. If you don’t have shoe polish, a leather or multi-purpose cleaning wipe will work. It’s important to look your best from head to toe! 





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